
  • Participatory video project on sustainable rural development
Participatory video project on sustainable rural development


CEE Centre for Environment education

India :: Participatory video project on sustainable rural development
November, 17th, 2010

We facilitated the farmers to identify their best sustainable rural practices and taught them how to film so their “green messages” could be shared with other rural communities.

In this sense and as a pilot-project, we introduced participatory-video to a farmer community in Lalavadar village, Gujarat state, India, which was already capacitaded on sustainable rural practices by CEE.

The vision of this Group is to contribute to the knowledge and practice of sustainable development of ecologically sensitive, stressed, fragile areas through promotion of equitable and sustainable livelihood strategies.

This participatory-video project was done with the support of Center of Environment Education (CEE) India and its Sustainable Rural Development Programe Group.

Lalavadar farmers chose and filmed eight messages on their own in just a few days. The editing was also done with the farmers on a participatory-editing approach as illustrated in the final clip of their film.

Lalvadar film was shown in a neighbor village where farmers decided to “do just like their unknown friends” and implement four of the eight practices starting on the following day.

We hope you enjoy watching as we did enjoy helping to make this happen. And please share it with other farming communities!

Our kindest green regards,

Lalavadar farmers, Fernanda Baumhardt/Pro Planeta and CEE staff